Also known as Black Star, this hybrid chicken breed will bring amazing productivity to your flock! This breed is autosexing - males are barred, while females have a black body with varying amounts of read featheration on the head, chest, and neck. Black Sex Links are most commonly developed as a hybrid between Barred Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red breeding stock.
Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Large
Production: 4 - 6 Eggs/Week
Personality: Gentle, Active
Broody: Rarely
Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy
Adult Coloration: Black with Red Head, Neck & Chest
Adult Size: 5.5 lbs.
Purpose: Dual
Black Sex Link
If a chick dies within 48 hours of being picked up, we will provide a refund or a replacement chick, if one is available. Chicks cannot be returned to the store in the interest of biosecurity.