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Backyard Poultry Keeping 201
An in-depth look at managing your backyard flock, in partnership with Purdue Extension.
Classes in this series will be hosted at the Purdue Extension office at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. The office is located in the Discovery Building at the northwest side of the fairgrounds, 1202 E. 38th Street, #201.
Purdue University is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution.

Managing Your Flock's Health, Nutrition, and Biosecurity
Thursday, January 16, 6:00 pm
$25 - Register Here
Managing Your Flock to Prevent Predator Pressure and In-Flock Aggression
Thursday, January 30, 6:00 pm
$25 - Register Here
Beyond Eggs - Managing Your Flock for Market, Showing, or Breeding
Thursday, February 13, 6:00 pm
$25 - Register Here
Presented in Partnership with:

Beyond Chickens - Managing A Flock with Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Guineas, or Quail
Friday, February 28, 6:00 pm
$25 - Register Here
Take all four and save!
Register here for the full series and save $20.00.
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