Silkies are a popular pick for pet chickens, due to their friendly disposition and unique downy appearance. Other unique features include their black skin, blue earlobes, and extra toe. Silkies make excellent mothers, and will lay 2 - 4 white to cream colored eggs per week.
Egg Color: White/Cream
Egg Size: Small
Production: 2 - 4 Eggs/Week
Personality: Docile, Sweet
Broody: Yes
Hardiness: Sensitive to Extreme Temperatures
Adult Coloration: Buff
Adult Size: 32 oz.
Purpose: Ornamental
Buff Silkie
If a chick dies within 48 hours of being picked up, we will provide a refund or a replacement chick, if one is available. Chicks cannot be returned to the store in the interest of biosecurity.